Repeat Until Success with STAR Gadget¶
In this example, we will demonstrate a near-term fault tolerant gadget which is a repeat-until-success protocol to implement a Z phase gate using a resource state (similar to a T state), Pauli gates, and feed-forward measurement.
For more information, see, especially Fig. 7.
from bloqade import qasm2
This example highlights a few interesting capabilities of having a full kernel structure with runtime control flow. One example is the ability to dynamically allocate qubits, possibly based on previous run-time measurement outcomes.
In this case, we prepare a resource state, which is a generalization of the T state with an arbitrary Z rotation $|0\rangle + e^{i\theta}|1\rangle$.
def prep_resource_state(theta: float):
qreg = qasm2.qreg(1)
qubit = qreg[0]
qasm2.rz(qubit, theta)
return qubit
Using this resource state, we can teleport the Z phase gate to a target qubit using only Clifford gates, which are much easier to implement fault-tolerantly. This is implemented by first applying a CNOT gate controlled by the resource state on the target qubit, then measuring the target qubit in the computational basis. If the measurement outcome is 1 (which occurs with 50% probability), the gadget executed a Z(theta) gate on the target qubit and teleported it to the new resource state.
However, if the measurement outcome is 0 (which occurs with 50% probability), we apply an X gate, and the gadget executed a Z(-theta) gate on the target qubit. In order to correct this gate, we must apply a Z(+2theta) gate on the new target state. Of course, we can apply this Z(+2theta) gate by applying the same gadget with twice the angle, and repeat until we get the correct outcome.
The simplest way to implement the gadget is to simply post-select the correct measurement outcome using an assert statement. This is straightforward, but comes with an exponential overhead in the number of resource states: there is a 50% chance of success at each step, so there is only a $2^{-n}$ chance of success after $n$ Z phase gates.
def z_phase_gate_postselect(target: qasm2.Qubit, theta: float) -> qasm2.Qubit:
ancilla = prep_resource_state(theta), target)
creg = qasm2.creg(1)
qasm2.measure(target, creg[0])
if creg[0] == 1:
return ancilla
To (deterministically) implement the gate, we can recursively apply the gadget by correcting the angle of the Z gate by applying Z(+2*theta). Observe that, while it is efficient to represent this as a composition of kernels, there is no equivalent representation as a circuit, as the number of resource qubits and total number of gates is not known until runtime.
def z_phase_gate_recursive(target: qasm2.Qubit, theta: float) -> qasm2.Qubit:
""" Fig. 7
ancilla = prep_resource_state(theta), target)
creg = qasm2.creg(1)
qasm2.measure(target, creg[0])
if creg[0] == 0:
return z_phase_gate_recursive(ancilla, 2 * theta)
if creg[0] == 1:
return ancilla
An alternative representation uses control flow to implement the same gate. If the number of repeats is fixed, this can be represented as a static circuit, though it would require a large number of resource qubits and may still fail with a small probability $2^{-attempts}$.
def z_phase_gate_loop(target: qasm2.Qubit, theta: float, attempts: int):
""" Fig. 7
creg = qasm2.creg(1) # Implicitly initialized to 0, thanks qasm...
for ctr in range(attempts):
ancilla = prep_resource_state(theta * (2**ctr))
if creg[0] == 0:, target)
qasm2.measure(target, creg[0])
target = ancilla
Before we analyze these circuits, we must declare a main function which takes no inputs, as qasm2 does not support parameterized circuits or subcircuits.
theta = 0.1 # Specify some Z rotation angle. Note that this is being defined
outside the main function and being used inside the function via closure.
def postselect_main():
target = qasm2.qreg(1)
z_phase_gate_postselect(target[0], theta)
def recursion_main():
target = qasm2.qreg(1)
z_phase_gate_recursive(target[0], theta)
def loop_main():
target = qasm2.qreg(1)
z_phase_gate_loop(target[0], theta, 5)
Now lets explore running some interpreters on these circuits. We support the quantum emulation backend PyQrack, which simulates quantum circuits using state vectors.
from bloqade.pyqrack import PyQrack # noqa: E402
device = PyQrack()
qreg =
Now lets generate the QASM2 code for these circuits! This is an example of code generation, where we go from one DSL and translate to another.
from bloqade.qasm2.emit import QASM2 # noqa: E402
from bloqade.qasm2.parse import pprint # noqa: E402
target = QASM2()
qasm_postselect = target.emit(postselect_main)
qasm_loop = target.emit(loop_main)
try: # The recursion version has no qasm representation.
qasm_recursive = target.emit(recursion_main)
except Exception:
print("Whoops! We cannot emit calls with return value. This is expected.")
print("\n\n--- Postselect ---")
print("\n\n--- Loop ---")
We can also get qasm out as a string
payload = target.emit_str(postselect_main)