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Bases: LevelCoupling

This node represent level coupling between hyperfine state.


- To reach the node from the start node:

>>> node = bloqade.start.hyperfine
>>> type(node)
<class 'bloqade.builder.coupling.Hyperfine'>

- Hyperfine level coupling have two reachable field nodes:

    - detuning term (See also [`Detuning`][bloqade.builder.field.Detuning])
    - rabi term (See also [`Rabi`][bloqade.builder.field.Rabi])

>>> hyp_detune = bloqade.start.hyperfine.detuning
>>> hyp_rabi = bloqade.start.hyperfine.rabi


Bases: Builder

detuning property


Specify the Detuning [Field][bloqade.builder.Field] of your program.

A "field" is a summation of one or more "drives", with a drive being the sum of a waveform and spatial modulation.

You are currently building the spatial modulation component and will be able to specify a waveform.

  • You can do this by:
    • ...detuning.uniform: To address all atoms in the field
    • ...detuning.location(locations, scales): To address atoms at specific locations via indices
    • ...detuning.scale(coeffs)
      • To address all atoms with an individual scale factor

rabi property


Specify the complex-valued Rabi field of your program.

The Rabi field is composed of a real-valued Amplitude and Phase field.

  • Next possible steps to build your program are creating the RabiAmplitude field and RabiPhase field of the field:
    • ...rabi.amplitude: To create the Rabi amplitude field
    • ...rabi.phase: To create the Rabi phase field


Bases: LevelCoupling

This node represent level coupling of rydberg state.


- To reach the node from the start node:

>>> node = bloqade.start.rydberg
>>> type(node)
<class 'bloqade.builder.coupling.Rydberg'>

- Rydberg level coupling have two reachable field nodes:

    - detuning term (See also [`Detuning`][bloqade.builder.field.Detuning])
    - rabi term (See also [`Rabi`][bloqade.builder.field.Rabi])

>>> ryd_detune = bloqade.start.rydberg.detuning
>>> ryd_rabi = bloqade.start.rydberg.rabi