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start module-attribute

start = ListOfLocations()

A Program starting point, alias of empty [ListOfLocations][].

  • Next possible steps to build your program are:
  • Specify which level coupling to address with:
    • start.rydberg: for Rydberg Level coupling
    • start.hyperfine: for Hyperfine Level coupling
    • LOCKOUT: You cannot add atoms to your geometry after specifying level coupling.
  • continue/start building your geometry with:
    • start.add_position(): to add atom(s) to current register. It will accept:
      • A single coordinate, represented as a tuple (e.g. (5,6)) with a value that can either be:
        • integers: (5,6)
        • floats: (5.1, 2.5)
        • strings (for later variable assignment): ("x", "y")
        • Scalar objects: (2*cast("x"), 5+cast("y"))
      • A list of coordinates, represented as a list of types mentioned previously.
      • A numpy array with shape (n, 2) where n is the total number of atoms